Wug Robot: WuSee

WuSee is a really smart connected home security camera with very affordable price. We have built two working prototypes of WuSee, the improved one is still working well outside of the house after four harsh winters in Indiana.

Based on a mini computer, WuSee is equipped with three motion sensors, high-definition infrared camera and a reliable rotating and tilting mechanism, the five years of working outside does say something about the camera design.

Running on Linux and thousands lines of C code, WuSee can recognize people and send alerts based on customer preferences, such as no alert when kids come home. This has largely reduced false alerts that bother many people.

Below are some pictures of WuSee prototypes, the last pictures shows the improved prototype installed outside of a house, it has already been there for five years and still going strong!

WuSee Prototype

WuSee Prototype

WuSee Prototype

Though we are very confident about WuSee's capability and its market, we just don't have enough resources to work on two projects at the same time, we actually feel sad about it. Maybe someday we will picked up again and eventually commercialize it, and obviously after applying new technologies. Yes the competition is there, that is what we are expecting and enjoy!